Gift of Glove Foundation Mission

Our mission is to grant youth in underserved and deprived populations of the world the chance to catch their dreams one glove at a time while striving to seek out and provide service, care and charitable aid through the joy and love of baseball.

Besides a focus to touch on international needs, our Gift of Glove is to bless and benefit local and community-based privation though humanitarian outreach efforts.
America’s favorite pastime has long been a great source of delight to those whose earthly advantages have afforded them the opportunity to feel the joy that comes through baseball. Our intent is to spread that joy and opportunity to those who possess much less than we and who share the same rights to the happiness we experience. One of our goals is to help realize the dreams of children by being an answer to prayer or at least a temporary release from pains of sickness or cares of the world.
Our greatest hope for those in need is that our actions both domestic and abroad can imagine our passion to translate this labor of Glove to a labor of love

For the love of the game, Give the Gift of Glove.